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Gordon Lane

Bus Stop New Aberdour

Gordon Lane (630022352) is a Bus Stop located near New Aberdour

This is a Bus Stop. Bearing is W and the indicator is at. It's Easting is 388520 and Northing is 863356.

It is situated on Elphin Street, crossing near Gordon Lane Aberdour.


Code 630022352
Type BCT Bus Stop
Name Gordon Lane
Short Name
Landmark Gordon Lane
Street Elphin Street
Indicator at
Bearing W
Locality New Aberdour
Parent Locality Aberdour
Town New Aberdour
Suburb -
Easting 388520
Northing 863356
Longitude -2.19406
Latitude 57.65994
Notes -
Last Updated 2011-12-19T15:54:00
Status act

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