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Bus Service: 95

Exmouth Bus Station - Sandy Bay (Devon Cliffs)

Operating between Exmouth Bus Station and Sandy Bay (Devon Cliffs) given service number 95 effective from 07-Apr-2014. To amend Route and Timetable.

Daily from Monday 7.4. 2014 (the Monday before Good Friday in following years until 2.11.14 inclusive (or the last Sunday at the end of October half term break in following years. To amend outward route between Exmouth Bus Station and Exmouth Seafront


Stagecoach South West STAGECOACH DEVON LTD


Other Information

Route Registration No. PH1020951/31
Granted 18/06/2003
Expires 31/05/2018
Service Type Normal Stopping
Short Notice No
Subsidies No
Authority Devon
Region West of England

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