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Bus Service: PC6

Penley, Wrexham - King Street, Wrexham via Overton, Marchweil, Hightown

From: Penley, Wrexham To: King Street, Wrexham Via: Overton, Marchweil, Hightown Name or No: PC6 Service Type: Normal Stopping Effective Date: 25-Apr-2005 Other Details: Route and Timetable as per schedules lodged Service to run Monday to Friday on School days only but not on Bank Holidays Service to replace substantially similar service withdrawn due to Change of Entity 7(2)(a)

Route and Timetable as per schedules lodged Service to run Monday to Friday on School days only but not on Bank Holidays Service to replace substantially similar service withdrawn due to Change of Entity 7(2)(a)



LL11 6PP

Other Information

Route Registration No. PG1025703/4
Granted 04/11/2003
Expires 31/10/2018
Service Type Normal Stopping
Short Notice Yes
Subsidies No
Authority Wrexham County Borough Council
Region Wales

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« PC2 Newbroughton, Wrexham | J1 WXM BUS STATION, KING STREET, WREXHAM»

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