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Bus Service: X64

Birmingham, City Centre, Corporation Street - Woodgate, Wood Lane and Woodcock Hill Moors Lane via Bristol Rd, Weoley Castle

Operating between Birmingham, City Centre, Corporation Street and Woodgate, Wood Lane and Woodcock Hill Moors Lane given service number X64 effective from 20-Jul-2014. To amend Timetable.

Vary timetable.


National Express Coventry WEST MIDLANDS TRAVEL LTD

B9 4BZ

Other Information

Route Registration No. PD0001111/39
Granted 01/11/1993
Expires 31/10/2018
Service Type Normal Stopping
Short Notice No
Subsidies In Part CENTRO
Authority CENTRO
Region West Midlands

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« 70 Birmingham Priory Queensway | X64 Birmingham, City Centre, Corporation Street»

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